VOLUME THREE - CHAPTER 116 Man, woman, or child, every human body living in the United States of America join to and exist together with the Father of All Living the source of life first in time. A house intended as a dwelling for human beings derived from a father and mother and given by God honor as a hallowed place and dedicate to purpose, the real image of Our Father who lives those that continue alive in a union of soul, mind, and body associated together and existing in one. Make different, an account of any person's life living in a fashionable society governed by its best citizens receiving money, food, and clothing from a government because of need, lacking means of comfortable subsistence in a condition of want, danger, and helplessness. The whole body of clergy dedicate to the permanent use of the family your life, any clergyman who has a church and congregation under his charge head an administrative department presiding over as a Treasurer, and buildings formally known as Church Houses announce and make known publicly and officially declaring as Treasure Houses, places in which business is accomplished dealing out in shares money to enjoy in common representing the present operation of God. By arrangement and coordination of these distinct pieces free wholly the Children of God from financial difficulties and contracts by which all are bound, continued suffering troubling greatly by oppressive devices, Utilities, Debts, Insurance, Leases, Mortgages, the state of affairs of senior members of the family and community. Kevin Bradley I have chosen as Assistant Director of the Restoration and Recovery Branch of the Kingdom Family Treasure House, Inc., unite in act and purpose with him to bring about the deliverance promised, hoped for, and anticipated to the Church of God . The aim, object, and principle advocated and supported by writings of the Doctrine of Peace and the Kingdom Family Treasure House distinctly and plainly set forth coming into contact with need, occurring at the right moment, and doing at the proper time. Receive with an attitude of friendliness being the channel of admission to all special and peculiar benefits, favor, advantage, and give an affirmative answer, service freely rendered and good will showing the love of God toward man. An instrument of the highest on official business, go before and announce deliverance from danger, evil, and ruin, a bearer of important news whose duty is to give without asking anything in return providing for the wants and needs of all. Copyright (C) Kingdom Family Ministries - November 1998.